Discard Master Balls to meet the Pokemon Dex number and discard Ultra Balls to meet the Pokemon level. For all Gen 1-5 Starter Modifier codes : Hold Select+L Until You Receive The Starter Click to expand. Step 3: Find out the National Pokedex number of the Pokemon you want to encounter. Step 2: Open your Bag, and check to see if you have 649 Master balls and 100 ultra balls. random encounter, we never know what Pokemon we will found. : Press Select to receive 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. Step 1: Put the code below in your DS emulator. Jul 4th 2020, ID10503 Wild Legendary Pokémon. D0000000 00000000.(US) Pokemon Black 2 & White 2 Action Replay Codes Nintendo DS Home. Emulator User (desmume/No$GBA): Warning!! some codes cannot be disabled even though you uncheck or remove the code from the list, you’ll need to save after use code and then restart the emulator.